(20 questions – Comments/Actions/Photos/ Guidance Notes)
This report is designed to inform senior management of any accidents / incidents that occur within the workplace. Protecting the health and safety of employees who may be affected by activities is an essential part of risk management
(17 questions – Comments/Actions/Photos/ Guidance Notes)
This report records the date, the report type, the facility, and the personal information of the employee involved and a detailed description of incident
(5 questions – Actions/Photos/ Guidance Notes)
Reporting workplace incidents is critically important for the health & safety of the workplace and liability protection.
How to customise a checklist
1. Open the template, tap on each question you want to remove and Delete.
2. To add new questions: Bottom Centre > tap on Add Question type in and Save.
3. Next tap on Upload then Save as Template and press Continue.
4. You have now created a new custom package called My Templates.