(24 questions – Serviceable/ Fault/ N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
Pre-use checks should be carried out at the start of any session or when there is a change in operator/s. Routine maintenance ensures equipment continues to operate as intended.
(48 questions – Yes/No/N/A / Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
Chemicals used on site must be properly identified and stored safely and correctly. With clear safety instructions provided to the relevant operatives and suggests what action/s to take in an emergency. Frequency – Monthly.
(26 questions – Acceptable/ Area of Concern/ Non Conformance)
This checklist ensures that all MHE operators are operating their machinery as per their training certification. It identifies if the user/s may need refresher training. Recommended frequency – Weekly.
(26 questions – Yes/No/N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
It is good practice to undertake ‘Regular Electrical Equipment’ checks and should be completed on an annual basis by an ‘Approved Electrical Contractor’ this audit confirms the appropriate inspection has been undertaken. Frequency – Annually.
(27 questions – Yes/No/N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
Ladders and step ladders are not an ideal solution when working at height. However, they can be a sensible and practical option for low-risk, short-duration tasks, although not automatically your first choice. It is important you use the right type of ladder and know how to use it safely; this audit helps you ensure the safe use of ladders / step ladders. Frequency – each time before ladders are used.
(26 questions – Yes/No/N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
Lifting equipment is governed by H&S legislation (LOLER 1998) The purpose of the regulation is to reduce the risk of injury from lifting equipment used at work. Areas covered include the requirement for lifting equipment to be strong and stable enough for safe use and to be marked, to indicate safe working loads; ensuring any equipment is positioned and installed, to minimise risks; the equipment is used safely ensuring work is planned, organised, and performed by a competent person; equipment is subject to ongoing thorough examination and where appropriate. Inspected by a competent people.
(31 question – Yes/No/N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
As a manager you are responsible for asbestos control within your premises. You have a legal duty to manage asbestos effectively onsite, this audit assists in your legal duty as an employer.
(26 question – Yes/No/N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
Are lifting operations undertaken in a safe manner? Is equipment inspected when put into service for the first time? Is equipment inspected after installation.
(41 questions – Yes/No/N/A/ Comments/ Actions/ Photos)
This audit guides you through the safe handling of flammable liquids, the requirements for safe storage of flammable goods, disposal and record keeping of flammable goods and the relevant guidance from the HSE for your operations. Frequency – Monthly.
How to customise a checklist
1. Open the template, tap on each question you want to remove and Delete.
2. To add new questions: Bottom Centre > tap on Add Question type in and Save.
3. Next tap on Upload then Save as Template and press Continue.
4. You have now created a new custom package called My Templates.